Chad commits to mainstreaming gender equality in public education policies

As Chad develops its next education sector plan, to follow on from the Interim Plans for Education in Chad (PIET), gender mainstreaming will be crucial in the development of this policy. 

school gender
school gender

The Ministry of National Education and Civic Promotion (MENPC) of the Republic of Chad, a member of the Gender at the Center Initiative (GCI),  requested IIEP's technical capacity-building support to integrate gender equality issues into education policies.

In addition, as part of the new GPE funding model, the Government of Chad is preparing its Partnership Pact, a sector-wide document that will articulate a priority gender-sensitive reform that GPE and technical and financial partner funding will support over the next five years.

It is in this context that the MENPC's Department for the Development of Girls' Education and Gender Promotion (DDEFPG) organised - with the technical support of IIEP-UNESCO Dakar- a training and policy dialogue workshop on the integration of gender equality into public education policies from 5 to 8 September 2022.

With 48 participants from different departments of the Ministry, as well as from partner organisations and civil society organisations, the workshop made it possible to assess the situation of gender inequalities in education in Chad, and to identify possible actions to address them. The discussions and group work allowed many proposals to emerge and recommendations to be formulated.

The collaboration of the UNESCO IIEP and the Republic of Chad in the framework of the GCI should continue in the coming year.
