Community of Practice in Gender and Education gathers Anglophone education officers in Dakar

The Community of Practice in Gender and Education gathered 40 education officers from 20 English-speaking African countries, who actively participated in IIEP's 2021 Short Course on Gender-Responsive Educational Planning.

cpge en
cpge en

In the Gender at the Centre Initiative framework, IIEP facilitates the activities of the Community of Practice in Gender and Education (CPGE), with the ultimate goal of strengthening a network of African gender-responsive practitioners in the domain of educational planning and management.

The CPGE-EN 2022 residential workshop will take place in Dakar, Senegal, from October 10th to 14th, 2022, with the following specific objectives :

  • To enable in-person networking, exchange, and open discussion amongst this group of senior education planners from across Africa who have already studied online together and engaged online together;
  • To build participants’ knowledge and skills in gender-responsive education planning and in a range of relevant thematic strands;
  • To prepare participants to apply their new knowledge in their own contexts and to strategize more broadly on how to mobilize their ministries to mainstream gender equality and bring about change.

Watch what participants thought of the workshop last year

IIEP UNESCO Dakar holds a Gender and Education Community of Practice Workshop

The workshop programme is also based on two cross-cutting thematic pillars: 1) advocacy for change, and 2) gender mainstreaming in education policies and programmes. These pillars aim to give CPGE members the opportunity to strengthen their skills and competencies to promote change both internally and in the activities of their organisations.

The workshop sessions will cover four thematic areas identified as particularly relevant by CPGE members during the inception phase. These four thematic areas are

  • Participatory gender audits
  • Gender equality in STEM
  • Gender-based violence in schools
  • Gender equality in education in emergencies

Within each thematic area, a series of activities based on the two cross-cutting thematic pillars will give participants the opportunity to share their professional experiences, learn from others and explore new tools to improve their practice in a specific area. The programme also includes sessions to review members' individual progress towards their personal goals and to provide a space for collective reflection on how to strengthen the impact of CPGE's activities.
