Training in Sectoral Policies and Management of Education Systems

IIEP-UNESCO Dakar’s course in Sectoral Analysis and Management of Education Systems( PSGSE) is offered annually, in collaboration with the Faculty of Science, Technology, Education and Training (FASTEF) of Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal.

In brief
  • A 14-month programme intended for education stakeholders in charge of planning, management, financing and the evaluation of African education systems.
  • Academic and professional, this course is taught in French and combines both face-to-face and distance learning methods. It can also run fully online if the global health situation requires it. 

Description of the course

This unique course combines the analysis of educational policies, the management of education systems and covers all the approaches and techniques of sectoral analysis in education. It aims to reinforce capabilities in analysing the challenges, costs and financing of education. It also examines system functions and desired results, focusing on the quality of learning, external efficiency and equity.  Conducted in French in a university setting, the course is the equivalent to a year of Master 1 and starts in October each year.  

+ 450
people from 22 African countries have completed SAMES training since 2007
  • 600 hours of training and 600 hours of personal work over 14 months
  • Seven distance learning modules, accessible on an e-learning platform e-learning platform
  • A face-to-face training module in Senegal, depending on the global health situation
  • Thematic meetings and collaborative work with professionals from all over Africa

Why choose PSGSE training?

Our training in sector policy and management of education systems enables participants to:

  • Develop their knowledge and strengthen their operational capabilities in education sector policy analysis and management of education systems
  • Benefit from state-of-the-art training, backed up by research and field experience
  • Share good practices among peers and build a continent-wide network of professionals

Discover the full PSGSE program  (In french)

The training team

Developed by experts in the analysis and management of education systems, the PSGSE course is delivered by high-level instructors, mostly education policy analysts. Two scientific advisors supervise the programme:

  • M. Bamba Déthialaw Dieng, Associate Lecturer at Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar 
  • M. Jean-Pierre Jarousse, retired professor at the University of Rennes 2 in France

Profile of the participants

The course has been designed to meet the competence building needs of the following stakeholders:

  • Managers and technical staff of ministries of education in African countries, as a priority
  • Managers and technical staff in the ministries of finance and civil service who may be involved in sector analysis or in the development of sector education plans
  • Education specialists from international non-governmental organisations, partners in development

“Thanks to PSGSE, I have the intellectual grounding to assess the relevance of the indicators used in our projects. I am able to interpret the data clearly, and I can go further in the analyses in favour of Ivorian schools. The training is particularly useful for me in drawing up the budget for National Education and Literacy, in collaboration with our financial affairs department and the Ministry of Finance.”

Sinan Outtara, PSGSE 2020 graduate
Head of Studies, Directorate of Strategy, Planning and Statistics, Ministry of Education and Literacy, Côte d'Ivoire.

Terms of admission

Country applications involving several applicants are given priority by the selection committee. Candidates are compiled and submitted by the country itself.  Individual applications are also accepted and examined on a case-by-case basis. Selective and rigorous, the PSGSE course is above all intended for experienced professionals already in a working post, holding an academic degree or equivalent. A good level of French and a working knowledge of office automation and spreadsheet tools are required. A solid grounding in statistical analysis is an asset.

Applying for a degree course

To obtain the title of Master 1 delivered at the end of the PSGSE program (i.e. 60 ECTS credits), candidates must be able to prove that they have a Bachelor's degree from the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD), i.e. three years of higher education studies. Holders of a bachelor's degree issued by another higher education institution must apply for an equivalence or a waiver, once admitted to the PSGSE program.  

Applying for certification of training

Selected candidates who do not have an academic degree, a validated diploma in equivalence or an exemption, can integrate the PSGSE training as a vocational training certificate. At the end of the programme, they obtain a UCAD certification, subject to their evaluation results. 

Fees and financing

The registration fees, including pedagogical supervision and operating costs, amount to 2,000,000 FCFA per participant for the academic year. Candidate countries and individual candidates must also ensure that they have the necessary funds to finance the face-to-face meeting(s) in Dakar (airfare, accommodation and meals). These trips may be cancelled or postponed depending on the evolution of the global health situation. 

See an example of a country budget for ten people (.xls, in French, 13ko)

Applications for funding may be made to relevant national or international bodies and donors. IIEP-UNESCO Dakar cannot provide financial assistance to participants. 


Adams Daniel Oyono, Secretary General of the Ministry of Basic Education of Cameroon

Call for applications

Applications for the 15th PSGSE class are now closed. The course runs from October 2021 to November 2022. 

Consult the PSGSE 2021-2022 training calendar (in French)

The call for applications for the PSGSE 2022-2023 training will be launched in the first quarter of 2022. 


Khalil BahloulIIEP-UNESCO Dakar
Mr Khalil Bahloul
Program manager (a.i.) / Expert in TVET in charge of Training


Mme Salimata Faye
Associate Lecturer