IIEP in Action: Taking stock of our impact in our three offices

The past two years have been marked by an unprecedented global crisis, threatening years of progress in the education sector. How has IIEP helped countries around the world to plan and manage education, to adapt to emergencies and to meet new needs? Our new biennial report is online. Find out about our main achievements and the impact of our work.

In brief

Read more about the strategic directions that have guided our work with ministries of education over the past two years, as well as our key figures and achievements.


IIEP in action: 2020-2021
IIEP in action: 2020-2021
Makmende/Jilke Tanis

Scope and issues

This biennial report provides a global overview of the Institute's three offices, in Paris, Buenos Aires and Dakar, featuring examples from across the world. To present our findings, we have examined ten value streams, integrated into all our activities and carried out in collaboration with our target audiences. They are applied to each of the Institute's pillars: training, technical cooperation, research and development, and knowledge sharing. Resilience of education systems, inclusion and learning quality are among the key issues, in line with the Education 2030 Agenda and UNESCO's priorities. Likewise, the monitoring and evaluation of our impact is at the heart of the issues addressed in the report.

The events of 2020 added a new urgency to our mandate. IIEP reacted quickly to the crisis, and adapted its activities to both respond to fast-changing needs and prepare for what lies ahead. Climate change and a global refugee crisis made even clearer the need to not just plan for the future, but to respond to the here and the now

Karen Mundy

IIEP in action lays the foundation for the upcoming the 11th medium-term strategy of IIEP-UNESCO for 2022-2025, which will be presented in early 2022.