Support for education quality management: regional experience-sharing workshop

Regional experience-sharing workshop
Regional experience-sharing workshop

Changing practices to improve learning: IIPE-UNESCO is organizing a regional workshop in Dakar from May 13 to 16, 2024, to share experiences on education quality management in Africa.

The workshop brings together over 120 participants to discuss the outcomes of the education quality management support programme, an initiative launched in 2018 with valuable support from the French Development Agency. This program aims to identify and address the root causes of academic underachievement in sub-Saharan Africa, in close collaboration with education ministries and communities in partner countries.

Over six years, the program has worked on enhancing learning by analyzing educational practices at all levels of the system and supporting the co-construction of concrete solutions to strengthen the capacities of local actors.

As the program nears its conclusion, this workshop represents a unique opportunity to share its successes and collectively outline the prospects for quality education for all children on the continent.

Go to the workshop web page