Regional experience sharing workshop May 2024

Regional experience-sharing workshop


Welcome message from Martín Benavides, Director of the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning


How can we better support countries in improving the quality of learning? To answer this question, AFD and IIEP-UNESCO have created the Support for Education Quality Management Programme. The aim of this program is to adopt a new approach to helping countries bring about a positive transformation in the professional practices of those involved in education systems. As the program draws to a close, IIEP wishes to present the achievements of the Programme, discuss its effects on beneficiaries, and outline the prospects for supporting countries. This is the central objective of this workshop.

More specifically, the workshop aims to:

  • Present the Programme and its approach.
  • Share experiences from beneficiary countries.
  • Discuss the achievements and impact of the Programme in the beneficiary countries.
  • Outline the prospects in terms of support for countries to improve the management for learning.

Concept note and agenda

Download the concept note and agenda by clicking on the picture below. 

Concept note


In order for every child to leave primary school with a basic threshold of competencies, the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO Dakar) launched a program to support quality management in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2018. An innovative approach involving all levels of the education system, with stakeholders identifying weaknesses and strengths in their professional practices and being guided towards sustainable transformation.

Read the retrospective article

Quality of Education: Looking Back on Six Years of Responses to the Learning Crisis


Workstreams and experimentations

As part of its efforts to improve educational quality management practices, the program has targeted a number of workstreams and developed experiments designed as examples of solutions to the problems encountered. To find out more, please consult the guidance notes below, a collection of publications on a variety of themes related to steering the quality of education, and the more concise articles.

Strengthening instructional leadership: analysing professional practices in Senegal

Using data to improve learning: the example of the Shawara Karatu initiative in Niger

Identifying and promoting innovations: tutored micro-teaching workshops in Niger


L'initiative Shawara Karatu : une approche prometteuse de l'utilisation des données pour améliorer les apprentissages
Un cas d'innovation promue au Niger : les Ateliers de Micro-Enseignement Tutoré (AMET)

Impact stories

Testimonial videos from education actors

Meet Fadimatou, student tutor in Niger © UNESCO/Emily Pinna
Meet Mbaye Kane, Director of Studies at the teacher training school in Thiès © UNESCO/Emily Pinna
Meet Souleymane Aliou, primary school inspector in N'dounga, Niger © UNESCO/Emily Pinna
Education quality program overview © UNESCO/Emily Pinna

The Program and its workstreams

Some videos of the Program's approach and its workstreams

The PAPIQ program approach
Diagnostic findings on quality management
Steering quality through the use of evaluation data
Driving quality through the promotion of innovations in education
Steering quality through pedagogical support for teachers


Interview with representatives of our program partners

Rohen d'Aiglepierre - Basic Education Referent / AFD Project Team Manager
Alioune Badara Diop - Director of the National Institute for Study and Action for Education Development (INEADE) - Ministry of National Education - Senegal
Amévor AMOUZOU-GLIKPA - Senior lecturer in Sociology of Education / CAMES - National Institute of Education Sciences (INSE) - University of Lomé - Togo

Infos and contact

The workshop will be held in person at Ndiambour Hotel in Dakar from Monday 13 May to Thursday 16 May 2024.

For any request for information about the workshop, you can contact: