The Sectoral Policies and Management of Education Systems (PSGSE) course is recruiting for its 17th intake

Government and donor mobilization around the definition of education system development plans has created a demand for new skills within ministries of education. One response to this demand is the training course on Sectoral Policies and Management of Education Systems (PSGSE) which was launched in 2007.

In brief

About the course :

  • 14 months' duration
  • in French
  • application deadline: 30th May
  • distance learning and on-the-job training
  • leads to a degree and operational skills
  • for African executives in charge of defining, steering, managing, financing and evaluating education systems

The objective of this course is to transmit the analytical methods developed by the UNESCO's International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO Dakar) in its various activities to African executives in charge of defining, steering, managing, financing and evaluating education systems (in ministries in charge of education and partners). This is an in-service training course that targets three to five countries in the African region each year, with 10 to 15 candidates per country.

Co-organized by IIEP-UNESCO Dakar and the Faculty of Education and Training Sciences and Technologies (FASTEF) of Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD), the PSGSE course covers a full year of a Master's programme. Students enrolled in the degree programme and who pass the two semesters will be awarded 60 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits. 

The relatively broad scope of the course (planning, financing, evaluation, performance analysis) and its highly operational and applied dimension have led to the development of a 14-month course.

It offers 8 modules based on a bimodal teaching approach: face-to-face (3 groupings at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the course, in order to deepen the understanding and mastery of the methodologies taught and to carry out the validation activities) and distance learning (personal and/or group work and 2 virtual groupings).

The PSGSE course has recorded exceptional retention and success rates for distance learning. These positive results are due in particular to the content of the course being very much in line with the professional practices of our students, as shown by the results of the evaluations organized at the end of each module.  The summary sheets of these evaluations reveal that the students are extremely positive about the relevance of the training: what they learn in the PSGSE course is of interest to them and is useful for their work.

For more information on the recruitment of the 17th promotion of the PSGSE course, please download the following documents:

Call for applications (in french) 
The brochure presenting the PSGSE course (in french) 
The course description (in french) 
The candidate's guide (in french) 
The 2023-2024 calendar (in french) 
The document detailing the procedure for requesting equivalence from UCAD (in french)
A sample country budget (example of a team of 10 managers from DRC) (in french)
A form to cover the cost of participation in the PSGSE training (country) (in french)
A PSGSE training participation sponsorship form (individuals) (in french)