Monitoring the quality of education in Niger: promoting dialogue and transparency

In the early 2000s, Niger opted for free primary education and facilitated access to school.   The enrolment rate rose from 34% in 2000 [1] to 71% in 2017 [2]. Despite this tangible improvement in the expansion of education, the quality of education remains a major challenge. According to the 2014 evaluation of the CONFEMEN Programme for the Analysis of Education Systems, only one-third of pupils master basic skills after six years of schooling.

Analysis of the management of the quality of education: persistent problems and ways to solve them

Improving implementation capacities

How do education systems actors  manage the quality of education in basic education? Research conducted by the program found that while countries are relatively good at making diagnoses, the challenge lies mainly in their capacity to implement what is planned and in their ability to learn from past experiences.   

Analysis of the management of the quality of education: persistent problems and ways to solve them

Improving implementation capacities

How do education systems actors  manage the quality of education in basic education? Research conducted by the program found that while countries are relatively good at making diagnoses, the challenge lies mainly in their capacity to implement what is planned and in their ability to learn from past experiences.   

Quality: Addressing the learning crisis

Following the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, the Dakar Declaration in 2000, and the Incheon Declaration in 2015, states and their partners have taken the right to education very seriously. Nearly 9 out of 10 primary school-age children are enrolled in school around the world (2). In sub-Saharan Africa, progress towards access to education has been particularly rapid and significant since the 2000s, even though tens of millions of children are still not in school. Despite schools filling up, there are signs that students are getting little benefit.

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