Enseignement et formation techniques et professionnels

Polemag #32 Interview: Amidou Bancé

1) IIEP-UNESCO Dakar has been supporting the CCMEFP-UEMOA since 2017 for the development and facilitation of a platform for the pooling of vocational training tools and resources. What does this mean?

The platform for the pooling of vocational training tools in UEMOA countries and Chad arose from the following observation. Several TVET policy partners in Africa observed similar needs across the region’s countries for the development of training tools.

The Sectoral Policies and Management of Education Systems (PSGSE) course is recruiting for its 17th intake

The objective of this course is to transmit the analytical methods developed by the UNESCO's International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO Dakar) in its various activities to African executives in charge of defining, steering, managing, financing and evaluating education systems (in ministries in charge of education and partners). This is an in-service training course that targets three to five countries in the African region each year, with 10 to 15 candidates per country.

PEFOP: looking back on seven years of transforming TVET in Africa

In Africa, one in two people is under 25 years old and the population is the fastest growing in the world. Employability is therefore a major issue for the future of the continent. It is based on these observations that the PEFOP story began in 2015, under the impetus of the French Development Agency (AFD). 

La formation en Politiques Sectorielles et Gestion des Systèmes Educatifs (PSGSE) recrute pour sa 18e promotion

L'objectif visé par cette formation est de transmettre aux cadres africains en charge de la définition, du pilotage, de la gestion, du financement et de l’évaluation des systèmes éducatifs (dans les ministères en charge de l’éducation et les partenaires) les méthodes d’analyse développées par le Bureau pour l’Afrique de l’Institut International de Planification de l’Education de l’UNESCO (IIPE-UNESCO Dakar) dans ses différentes activités.

Appel à candidatures - Formation en pilotage et gestion de l'EFTP (PGEFTP)

Les efforts d’expansion de l’Enseignement et la Formation Techniques et Professionnels (EFTP) et d’amélioration de son efficacité exigent des capacités nationales fortes en matière de pilotage et de gestion des dispositifs d’EFTP. C'est pour répondre à cette exigence que le Bureau pour l’Afrique à Dakar de l’Institut International de Planification de l’Education de l’UNESCO (IIPE-UNESCO Dakar) a conçu la formation en Pilotage et Gestion de l’Enseignement et la Formation Techniques et Professionnels (PGEFTP).

Expert voice : Digitalization, a major challenge for TVET

TVET is an essential driver of growth and employment in Africa. With the support of its partners, IIEP-UNESCO Dakar has developed strong thematic expertise and an innovative approach to support and strengthen the planning and management of the sub-sector.

Improving the management of TVET trainers

IIEP conducted a study in Benin, Ethiopia, Madagascar, and Senegal on the management systems of TVET trainers and supervisory staff. In all four countries, the competency-based approach was adopted, and the forms of training involved the company (dual training, apprenticeship, renewed apprenticeship, etc.).

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