Why invest with IIEP in education and training in Africa? Meet us at the ADEA 2022 Triennale

During the ADEA 2022 Triennale on Education, one of Africa’s seminal high-level forums for political dialogue and sharing of knowledge, IIEP will reaffirm its commitment to the continent and present its approach and priorities for capacity development to strengthen planning, management, and the implementation of education programmes for improved learning outcomes and skills development across the continent. 

Appel à candidatures - Formation en pilotage et gestion de l'EFTP (PGEFTP)

Les efforts d’expansion de l’Enseignement et la Formation Techniques et Professionnels (EFTP) et d’amélioration de son efficacité exigent des capacités nationales fortes en matière de pilotage et de gestion des dispositifs d’EFTP. C'est pour répondre à cette exigence que le Bureau pour l’Afrique à Dakar de l’Institut International de Planification de l’Education de l’UNESCO (IIPE-UNESCO Dakar) a conçu la formation en Pilotage et Gestion de l’Enseignement et la Formation Techniques et Professionnels (PGEFTP).

Improving the management of TVET trainers

IIEP conducted a study in Benin, Ethiopia, Madagascar, and Senegal on the management systems of TVET trainers and supervisory staff. In all four countries, the competency-based approach was adopted, and the forms of training involved the company (dual training, apprenticeship, renewed apprenticeship, etc.).

Gender and education: what about the ministries? The case of Burkina Faso

Good practices praised

In Burkina Faso, significant efforts have been made over the past ten years to promote gender equality and equity in education. This political will has been reflected in a National Strategy for Accelerating Girls' Education for the period 2011-2021 and the current National Gender Strategy for 2020-2024.

"This programme completely meets our aspirations": 2nd intake PGEFTP course

Coming from 9 different African countries, the participants gathered to enrich their knowledge, deepen the skills acquired during the course, and share experiences and good practices among peers and between countries. The course is structured around four modules and aims to strengthen the capacities of managers in the management of vocational training systems.

Online course in Portuguese on gender-sensitive educational planning launched

Although education can be a powerful lever for achieving equality, gender disparities continue to exist around the world and education systems reflect this reality. Despite significant progress in recent years, gender parity in enrolment has only been achieved by less than two out of three countries in primary education, one out of two countries in lower secondary education and only one out of four countries in upper secondary education (UNESCO, 2019).

Training in Crisis-sensitive planning: outcome of the first edition in French

Insecurity in the Sahel, cyclones, and floods in Southern Africa: there is often a lack of coherent and up-to-date education data in crisis situations. This information is essential for planning education in emergencies, so ministries can ensure continuity of education, protect investments in education and training, and sometimes even save lives. 

PGEFTP: first course in vocational training policy management completed

30 Novembre 2021

A virtual closing ceremony for the first batch of participants of the IIEP-UNESCO Dakar training course in Steering and Management of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (PGEFTP) was held on Tuesday 30th November 2021.

Over 130 applications were received for this inaugural course demonstrating the importance of the topic and the great interest that vocational training system managers have in capacity building.

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